Diversity Of Life Forms     


(carolus linnaeus)
Every organism has some characters similar to its ownhttps://ikidmedia.blogspot.com/2021/06/universal-logic-gates.html type, but it differs in a few. This diversity is one of the most important features of organism which led to organic evolution. 

Living organisms show diversity of form, structure , physiology, mode of life, habitat, and behaviour etc. Organisms range from simple single celled animals to most complex multicellular forms. At the same time a large number of animals and plants are now extinct and their fossils are found.

Wider range of animals and plants are found in this world. It ranges from large plant and animals to living organisms, which are not normally seen in naked eye. Each different type of plant, animal or any living organism is called a species. There are around three million kinds of plants and animals, out of which 1.7 to 1.8 million species have been named and described.

These necessitate the categorisation of animals into different groups based on their similarities and dissimilarities. This arrangement in orderly manner, helps in easy identification of the organisms and lays the foundation stone for modern classification.

Systematics can be defined as “the science of the diversity of organisms”.


(i) It is not possible for any person to study all the animals. So it will be easy to know about different groups of animals by studying representatives from each group. So classification is of great convenience to         the biologists,

(ii) Classification helps in storing information.

(iii) Classification makes it easy to exchange the information regarding organisms. 
(iv)Classification establishes natural relationship among the animals.

(v) Each organism is given a scientific name, called nomenclature and is assigned a group to which it belongs. This process is  known as identification.